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Behind My Crazy Fantasy

Drawn by me and inspired by true story

Hai i'm back! bringing the other side of me, hope you can catch up!

Sepertinya gue pernah ngejanjiin di Instagram untuk tell the stories behind my drawer, and this is the first one that i draw myself as a comic character!

This drawing is inspired by my true experience selama 21 tahun hidup di dunia.

I named this Malala, i don't know nama Malala terngiang-ngiang aja diotak gue, so i just named her that. I know there's somebody out there named Malala too, she's a truly hero.

Malala adalah gue yang gue tuang dalam versi comic character. Jadi, gak cuma ceritain the side of her, what she did but also she is me.

Kadang tuh diotak gue suka penuh mikirin sesuatu, kadang gue tuang dalam bentuk puisi (di notes hp gue sampe numpuk) dan nama-nama yang tiba-tiba datang gitu aja, contohnya kaya Seanne Bauer, Solane Bauer (i think i want to build a new character using this name).

Let's move on to the story behind it!

1. The Skulls

The skulls are represent to all the boys that i've been in a relationship with. They died because i killed him, that's why the relationship fails. Karena gue ngerasa itu salah gue, semua salah gue.

Gue sering banget deket sama orang tapi selalu gagal, gak pernah berujung to the one and only (yeah you know what i mean) dan gitu-gitu aja terus siklusnya. Di sini fantasi gue bermain kaya "Mereka-mereka ini yang "gak pernah jadi" sama gue adalah korban-korban gue".

2. The Skull in Her Hand

Ini merepresentasikan orang yang baru deket sama gue, tapi gagal lagi. Dan ada tulisan "Alright, Who's Next"? Itu merepresentasikan yok siapa lagi yok setelah ini. Disini gue menggambarkan Malala is a deadly and very poisonous person. For those of you yang nanya di tangan kiri itu apa, issa gun. Means i killed a guy again, kaya menurut gue setiap gue deket sama orang, dan orang itu ngejauh ya karena kesalahan gue, gue lagi gue terus, mangkannya seakan-seakan gue “ngebunuh” mereka.

3. "No More False Faces"

Sebenernya kata-kata ini gue ambil dan terinspirasi dari Ultron di film Avengers when he had to fight Iron Man if i can remember. Yeah he literally said that. Kalau disini, gue mengartikannya sebagai gue selalu menunjukan “gue yang asli” tetapi malah dengan my true colors banyak yang gak cocok.

4. The R.I.P Guy

Disini merepresentasikan "I got him and i killed him" and the bullet around his head means i shotted him in the head. I know it's sounds crazy and maniac, it's just struck into my mind when i drew this.

Okay that's it!

Gambar ini sebenernya ngegambarin kaya lagi di cave? Tapi gak juga sih, i mean like in a private room? Intinya ruangan kosong gelap, ah i wish i can give a full color to this, pasti representasi keadaannya lebih jelas dan lebih berasa "spooky". Doain aku bisa beli iPad Pro guys HAHA so i can practice in digital too. Also colorize this too.

Anyway i do no harm to others and this is just a part of my wild fantasy and i'm so happy bisa ngepresentasiin ini dalam sebuah gambar dan karakter. Dan gue udah bikin banyak versi of Malala, ada 4-5 kalau gak salah, tapi masih tahap penyempurnaan semua. Sejauh ini, gambar ini yang gue bikin kelar se kelar-kelarnya.

Malala gue gambar dengan ability like an Assasin? maybe? I don't know yet but what can i confirm is, if you get near to and feel seduced by her, you know the only answer is a death for you. She's deadly and very poisonous.

Pada saat gambar ini gue terinspirasi dan lagi banyak denger lagunya Death of Me by Brandon Jenner dan Blank Space by Taylor Swift. Jadi kaya termotivasi dan so much anger to fill in.

Terima kasih untuk teman-teman yang sudah memberi pelajaran sejauh ini dan memberi gue inspirasi dalam mengambar ini, gambar ini di buat ketika i'm in the lowest point of my life. Dan senang juga ternyata ketika gue share di beberapa platform, ada yang relate dengan gambar ini.

Here's the hurtful truth behind this story that i got from my friend (i'm not mad at him),

Don't forget to follow me on @navyla.artwork! Dan tunggu versi Malala lainnya!


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